Monday, June 23, 2008

Life..but a flawed concept..Where did He go wrong..?

Millions of earths in the planets..millions of them in the sun..millions of those in the stars..millions of all thes in galaxies..there ought to be life around in the space elsewhere..has He wasted too much of space..a tiny bit of it at nariman point costs millions.. where has He gone wrong.. or is there little akin to going wrong ..? if He understands right the way I do then He has gone wrong the way I understand it. The earthquakes, landslides, lust, green eyed jealousy and all other sins holler of His dismal performance and little of ours.


anugrah said...
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anugrah said...

hmmmmm.......when i was young i always wondered as to why chinese live in houses with thatched pointed baaflin' it was to squishy brain also....wondered as to why the sun was a sphere and not a was all too absurd for me.....say, "earth is round", and the church would hang you 300 yrs, my dear samir....what u find wrong and absurd but...for your by no means is a flawed are just kept away from the eternal "knowledge".... ( fcuk!!!!....m i sounding spiritual)

Unknown said...

Its an evolution from an unknown point to the points as the previous behaved or not ( behaved). It could be function of time and behaviour(activity). Flaw is nothing but one's way of seeeing.As this incidently happened here in seeing.

seriousmess said...

Might so it be..the comparison of events/behaviour over time however makes what is ongoing taste only salty.

So strict are rules on earth that even a baby falling off from top of a building wont make gravity cease for a second, because its LOGIC that ought to prevail..result is only an insignificant & miniscule consequence.